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Custom engraving

Photo album Mickey Mouse Disney


List price: 100.50

Item number: 445D2953C

Free Shipping - Shipments

Estimated delivery date within the day 08 May 2024 if you order by 03:00 p.m. on the 26 April 2024

Immediate availability: 3 unit

Can not be ordered in quantities exceeding availability

Side initials ( €) - Look at the example
Intertwined initials ( €) - Look at the example
10 characters length ( €) - Look at the example
20 characters length ( €) - Look at the example
50 characters length ( €) - Look at the example
200 characters length ( €) - Look at the example

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Delivery all over the world
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Free and elegant gift packaging
Custom engraving

Product description

Made in Italy

Note particolari: In the absence of precise specifications relating to the engraving (size, position, etc.), the engraving will be performed directly on the frame of the album of the size deemed appropriate. If the engraving is more than 50 characters, a plate will be made which will be applied to the album which will be in the size and position deemed most appropriate by the craftsman.

Personalizzazione: If you want to make the gift more special choose to customize it by our craftsmen by having the name of the baby engraved, the date of birth or baptism, or choose a real personalized dedication that will be made on a blazon or on a plate that will be applied to the outside or inside of the album.

Photo album with Miro-Silver picture frame on cover and Disney character Mickey Mouse.

Delicious vertical photo album in faux leather with white polka dots with frame and the first 3 diary pages, the remaining 25 pages are blank, each page is protected by a semi-transparent tissue. A 13 x H. 18 cm photo can be inserted in the cover frame, while the data of the baby at the time of birth can be written on the first page of the diary (name, weight, length and date of birth). On the second page of the diary there is space for two photos of size 10 x H. 7.5 cm and in the third a photo 11 x H. 15 cm for the very first shots of the baby. The album is characterized by the silhouette of the most beloved character of the little ones, the little mouse of Disney Mickey Mouse.

Ideal gift for the birth of a child thanks to which mum and dad will be able to keep their first precious photos and the child, once older, will be able to retrace and remember the first moments of life with their parents. Thanks to the blank pages, which features the album, photos of various sizes and shapes can be pasted, and new parents can have fun decorating with stickers, drawings or writing dedications, comments and very personal phrases related to precious moments that will be a pleasure recall in the future.

Miro Silver® is a new metal with a surface treatment that includes a layer of 999.95 pure silver obtained with PVD technology, which gives the coating a higher solidity and oxidation resistance than common precious metal coatings. Miro Silver® is a registered trademark in Europe.

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